Samsung S410i

Well, just got my Samsung S410i on Sunday; quite excited over the new phone and of course, the i-mode service. A bit on the phone, its size is that of its predecessor, or should I say, pre-pre-predecessor, the E700A. It weighs almost the same but once you open the clamshell, a world of colours seem to just jump into you. A luscious 262k colour screen rushes out to greet anyone who opens it, vivid, lively, what else can I say?
The only qualm that I have would be the inability to set my mp3s as the ringtone; as of yet. Maybe I'll find a way to do so; the manual says that the S410i is capable of doing so.
I can't give much of a lowdown on the i-mode service now as I have only ventured to a few sites. Overall, I noticed an inability to log onto the i-mode network at about 9pm last night; server overload? Well, the service is still in its trial stage, so I guess it should get better with the advent of each day. Will be surfing more on i-mode when I have the time and maybe then, I will be able to give a more subjective view on the overall service.
Till then, enjoy your i-mode phones! and for those without one, do grab hold of a friend who has... :)
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