Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Frailities of Life...

Amidst all that clutter of work and play, have you ever thought to yourself or asked yourself what the most important thing to you is? Everyday, we take each minute of our existance for granted, focusing on things that may not matter at all. We get angry over our friends or peers when they do something wrong or bad to us. We get extremely sad when we lose a bet or did badly for examinations.

My uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer recently and it has been an awakening call to me to not take life for granted. Every new day is like a blessing bestowed upon us; you wouldn't know what will happen to you in the next moment. Illnesses can strike at any time and so can accidents and mishaps. It is not to say that we should be extra cautious in everything we do but it will be good to take everyday as a perfect day. Nothing is more important than being healthy and being alive; we can all do a little less of fretting, getting angry at people and being sad over things. Sure, these emotions are sometimes uncontrollable but we can learn to minimise them.

For starters, I'm going to work out an exercise routine chart. What steps are you going to take to make your life that little bit better?

Take life not for granted, everyday is a beautiful day.


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