Sunday, January 02, 2005

Rainy Day, Yet Again...

For the sixth time this week, the first thing that greeted my eyes in the morning was the rain... Its been like this for 6 days running already, one has to wonder when this horrid weather will ever cease to be. Coincidently, this weather has been with us right after the 26th of December 2004, the day when Asia and India were swept up by Tsunamis...

A bad way to start a day for many of us, while others simply enjoy the coolness that the mornings have brought along. For those starting school and work alike on the 3rd, this weather, will nonetheless be dreaded as delays cannot be avoided in the daily travels to their various institutions of academia and workplace.

What a way to kick in the new year of 2005. Spring? Well, maybe later...

~ Raindrops keep falling on my head... ~


At 12:13 AM, Blogger Jeffire said...

happy new year!

juz bring an umbrella wherever u go, chap. haha.

At 7:39 AM, Blogger paul said...

We'll treasure the rainy days better when they are long passed & when the yellow face glares too menacingly, too often, too long. =)

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Kenneth said...

Yup, its always like this; people start to appreciate something only when it is long gone and something worse comes around.

Maybe we should learn to appreciate and love this weather as it is now, shouldn't we? Adaptation breeds happiness; perhaps?


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