Monday, March 27, 2006

Nikon D50

I just got for myself a digital SLR camera. Been playing with it these 2 weeks and I should say that I am very pleased with the pictures that it takes. Its really a great jump from my old Sony Cybershot P72 P&S camera in terms of shutter speed and versatility.

I don't know if its just me; but ever since I got the the DSLR, my perception of the surroundings have changed. I used to just pass by things without paying much attention to them. Nowadays, I would just take that little bit more time to observe and appreciate the things around me.

If only everyone could take a bit of time off their hectic rushings to observe what's around them; life could be so much more intriguing... The beauty of perception cannot be underestimated.


At 7:17 AM, Blogger Jeffire said...

it's interestin to note that only a SLR camera managed to make u do this sort of appreciation thingy...

aren't our eyes SLR too? =p

anyway, post fotos leh. show e power of ur cammy~

At 9:01 PM, Blogger Kenneth said...

Well, as a matter of fact, the normal point and shoot cameras that most of us own need not require us to use the viewfinder unlike SLRs.

The main thing that's of question here is not my ownership of a SLR, but more of my venturing forth into the hobby of photography that led me to this appreciation.

What we see through our eyes are not scrutinised upon like the way photos are. We do not criticise or "focus" on a particular "picture" unless its static and lies in front of us. Maybe it is this that you failed to see; our eyes are not like the cameras that we own. In fact, what we see through the camera is only part of what we see with our eyes; a figment & imagination of our existence.

At 1:16 AM, Blogger Jeffire said...

"but ever since I got the the DSLR, my perception of the surroundings have changed. "

mm, not sure if i am rite to feel a tinge of denial or perhaps it's juz ur expression as above isn't what u really meant..

well, having a high quality camera is certainly useful in ur pursuit of this photography hobby, but in essence, any camera will still be able to carry the spirit of being appreciative about stuff all around. it's just that having such able equipment will magnify the enjoyment of being able to appreciate so.

ps: anyway, i was juz digging u =p dun take it to heart! show more fotos when u r more free.. hehe. the one up there is really much clearer than the ones we are able to take.. sob sob.

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Kenneth said...

I just registered myself on and my photo album address is as follows:

Will be updating the page once I have the time & right pictures. :)

Meanwhile, its back to mugging, rushing and more mugging!! Arrgghhhh!!!


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