Another New Day...
Its another new day and I'm looking forward to it as much as ever with optimism. The sun's bright this morning, beating down on my brown tinted glass window panes. I do hope you had a good night's rest yesterday too.Ever played the game Loco Rocco? If you had, you would have remembered the little black specks that sticks onto your loco rocco ball and slows it down, disabling it from jumping higher. These little black specks are like the burdens that we carry with us everyday, the more of them present, the more we are unable to move forward. Like I've said yesterday, we gotta rid ourselves of these specks and move forward into a better future. Jump into the pool and wash them black specks clean; you'll notice that with a lighter baggage, you will be enjoying much more of your time and life.
Today's going to be a great day, isn't it? :)
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