Sunday, May 20, 2007

Startup@Singapore 2007

It has been a good experience to take part in this competition, although we didn't get into the finals, we did learn a lot about business presentations and how venture capitalists would ask and drill youwith questions pertaining to why they should invest in your ideas. Its great to present together as a team again after one semester of not working together. The rapport is still there, although we didn't really rehearse together before the presentations. 2 of my team mates are already in the job market looking for jobs while the rest of the 3 are pursuing their final year of studies. I hope that everything will go well for each and everyone of us; may we achieve what we started out to and succeed in life. This competition might be over at the moment and with each of us entering another chapter in our lives, but our friendship will hold long after this; much longer into the future.

Fond memories of the past, bright hopes for the future.


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