Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Is That Light or Do I need a Pair of Specs...

All the projects are going down one by one; I am now left with one more to go. Writing a report, my forte? Oh well, guess that's the "supposed" skill that every FASS student needs to have; writing and talking your way through.

The Information Communications Management (ICM) programme I am in now is going to go through a major revamp in light of NTU's efforts to bring their Media Programme to life (~Create~ at NTU). Golly, the first thing they did was to change the name of the programme from ICM to CNM (Communications and New Media). I am glad that the change isn't about only the name but involves some new modules being inserted into our already large pool of choices.

Guess I will be going to have a lot of fun with these "more hands on" and equally "brains on" courses. Well, thats all in the next Sem. Something good that's happening to the O' NUS system I presume. Its time they wake up and smell the competition thats being going on and left alone for too long. The giant has awoken (Sounds more like SONY; they just promoted an American [Stringer] as their new CEO and they are planning to grab the MP3 market back from APPLE...Expect a whole slew of MP3 players in these coming months!).

Blessed with good luck and blind faith, I completed my Video Project with my 2 other friends with great joy and ease. I truly enjoyed working with these 2 wonderful people; perhaps the first time in my life that I've ever encountered such jovial and motivational ones. Glad that its all done. Thanks Stephen and Kelvin!

The final hurdle now stands before all of us; that of the exams. Once they are over, we will be free... at least for 3 months before the next onslaught of studies. I am expecting to see a lot more familiar faces joining our strengths in the next semester. Enjoy what you have now, cos when it all starts, you would be crying for rests before you can even say "h.e.l.p".


At 10:05 PM, Blogger Jeffire said...

Study week for SMU! Yeah! 2 more weeks to the end of term..

You take care~


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