Of Arguments and Such...
Many a times, people get into arguments with one another because they feel that they have been wronged. When handled properly, arguments can be a chance for the involved to learn and understand one another better. However, if arguments lead to abuse, be it physical or verbal, the consequences could be as irreversible as breaking an expensive ming vase. Sometimes, we may not mean what we say in a heated argument, often times leading to extreme hurt for the other person. We could all avoid this situation by taking some time out when the involved parties are still heated up. During this time, we can think back on what we have done or why this anger and argument has been brought up. It is always better to discuss about disagreements with a cool head, as I have experienced many a times with my brother in the past (though he's a really pleasant guy now that he's grown up); when he's angry, anything that you say goes in one ear and out into the thrash can from the other. If you are lucky, you might even see a chair hurtling towards your face...Nevertheless, everyone gets into disagreements and arguments. Big or small, with the right perception and way of handling them, even severe disagreements can become a chance for knowing the other person better. With each disagreement, another strand of hair gets ironed straight.
The next time you get into an argument, take a deep breath and cool down first before deciding to load your machine gun. At the end of the day, people disagree because they care for each other, else, they wouldn't be bothered to waste their breath on you.
A different outlook on the same situation offers many a route to how things turn out. You are in control of your life :D
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