Tuesday, February 22, 2005

A Happy Outlook to Life

We all should at least, look forward to a brand new day at the end of each day; a fruitful day ahead at the start of the day. Gloom and despair should never be a large part of our lives. Sometimes, we do get gloomy and such, but let feelings such as these pass quickly with the winds of change; nothing is here to stay forever, anything can be changed.

I had dinner with Paul yesterday and well, I came to realise that hey, I am not the only one struggling with work and such; everyone else is! We've gotta allocate time for people that we treasure no matter how busy or tight our schedules are. I have done just that, and I am trying to schedule more people to meet up during the course of the week.

A break in between refreshes the mind for the challenges ahead. A great way to break away from all the hustle and bustle of Uni life is to meet up with some old pals. Trust me, it works wonders!

Thank you to all you people who have so kindly spared your time to meet up and brush away the dust from the books of old. Our friendships are as new as it once started; polished and such whenever we have the time. Take care people!

Friday, February 18, 2005

I Knew It!!!

I knew it that I will be commenting on the lack of rain; and soon enough, here I am, lamenting and blaming this incessantly hot weather that we are experiencing. The grass are yellowing; a forest fire broke out behind NUS Business school; what more can one ask for?

Where is the rain? Has it gone on vacation? I need the rain!

Rain, rain, don't go away, please give me a visit today!

... A rather dried up and brain dead Kenneth pleading to the skies for some life fluids...

Sunday, February 13, 2005

"Post" New Year Mood

Is there a difference in the before and after? No, I don't think so...

I have been working on my projects since the beginning of the new year. The only thing that I can actually remember doing is collecting Ang Pows and of course, the books, internet, phone calls, handouts, notes...you know...

Not nice at all... A new year spent like this is certainly a "first" for me. The first thing that I see when I peer out into the world are people all dressed up and chatting happily away; compare that to my sorry plight... Sitting all alone in my room, up to the neck with deadlines, notes and all else that would otherwise turn this day into a wonderful and fun filled one.

I do not seek to lament or blame anyone or anything for this sudden down swing of my mood. But I just can't feel the air of festivities, not even a teeny bit. Is it just me or are we all in the same boat.

I had a call from a "long lost" army friend of mine this morning. He said something like missing the good old "chinese new year" mood we all had when we were young. Everything seem so simple and enjoyable. Missing, gone, lost; nothing of that sort ever applies to our feelings for new year now. How I wish we could relive the moment of our childhood for just a day? I would really like to throw everything away...at least for a day.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Happy Chinese New Year!

Enjoy your holidays!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Sundae Sunday

A sundae sunday; everyone hopes for one but not everyone gets it.

2 days before the advent of the new lunar year. Pretty much disorganised these days with all that rummaging going around everywhere in the world; people are discarding the old for the new, or simply wasting money replacing usable but old stuff. How about changing a new you?

Projects and work will accompany many of us in NUS and perhaps many others in the other 2 varsities. What a way to spend a new year; I thought NS was bad enough... Its gotten a tad bit better, but nonetheless, the sufferings followed through from the dark days that we have long left behind.

Unhappy? No, I'm not, and I do not wish it for anyone. Happy? Can't perk myself into the mood. Well, I'm like kinda stuck in the middle of the scale of emotions. Neither Nor, Either Or?

How are you feeling now?