Its Been a Long Time...
I just met up with an old friend of mine this morning; its been a whole year since I last saw him. He's been quite the same person he was since we last parted ways for our studies and NS respectively. Feelings abound that we've just met yesterday although it has been a year; memories of our times spent together were still fresh as we sat through breakfast with the morning breeze whispering into our faces.
Extremely cold has been the weather this Sunday morning; I was fully awake by the time I took a second sip from my reassuring glass of hot tea. Sometimes, I would wonder; if life can be as simple as it is made out to be in the books and movies, we wouldn't be in this endless pursuit of things that would take up much of our consciousness.
Its been a long time since I last met him and had a rest; where everything that was weighing on my mind was put away... Yes, its definitely been a long time...
I need a Breather...
Its breather week for NUS, but like what I mentioned in the previous post, its a no breather or rather, non-stop, action-packed week for me and my friends. Although the going's getting tougher, I am enjoying every moment of it. Made lots of friends this semester, through the many projects that I've been handed... Oh well, guess its all worth it.
Back to work... oh well, guess I better take a break now... been at it the whole day. Still got project meeting tomorrow... Must finish whatever I can now before the exam period sets in.
Crunch time is coming soon... Hope I'm alive till then. :p
Just another day...
I've been pondering, what exactly am I supposed to do today? Well, today, I'm gonna go to school and do whatever props up... Life's been rather "unpredictable" and mundane (although predictable and mundane would be more suitable) for me and most of my friends over at NUS.
Mid term break is next week, rather, I would prefer to call the week, "project week". What's a break in the middle of the term supposed to mean? Rest? No, it should be for us to catch up with the rest and complete as much of our projects as we can. Bummer...
The weather has been extremely horrid as of late, the sun's been glaring down on all who graces the footpaths with no shelter. The sweltering heat combined with the extreme cold of the lecture theatres makes for an extremely potent "posion" or "good" environment for one to fall sick. So, as a word of advice, do take care of yourself!
Exam... The Aftermath...
Well, our lecturers sure are efficient! They marked the papers and got the results out in less than 3 hours! (Ok, our answer sheets were actually bubble forms... :p)
Besides that, the whole lecture group scored an average of 88/100... Oh well, wonder if the paper was too easy. The one week break is coming soon; I don't think those days will be much of a break, maybe half a day or something? Projects are getting underway and we don't have much time on our hands to just idle and sit around doing nothing. Maybe they should just change the name of the 1 week break to "Project Week". Haha... ah... Just trying to amuse myself here...
Work work... anymore? Come, I'll do it all!
Hard at work...
I am mugging and working away towards the completion of the many projects and tests that have almost taken over my life. Time is not on our side, lest we give chase...
I'll still be free for lunch and the like! :)
Comex 2005 cont...
Well, I'm back... in one piece from yesterday's trip down to Suntec City, where Comex 2005 was held. The journey there was arduous; too many Singaporeans were all going to the same place at once... which pretty much sums up the conclusion to our lifes... there's simply no good place to go on a weekend except to the occasional exhibitions.
I've gotten for myself a tiny USB Bluetooth dongle which works like a charm with my VAIO S18GP and Sony-Ericcson K700i phone. Now, I'm able to remotely control the powerpoint slides on my laptop with my phone... wahahaha... To think that my lecturer spent over a hundred bucks to get devices that does the exact same stuff as the 17 bucks dongle I got yesterday. Here's a picture of the ultra portable dongle :)

Nothing much was on offer at the exhibition except for the usual fare of laptops, digital cameras and MP3 players. Yes, this exhibition is like a ghost to the previous 3, most of the well-known vendors such as Dell, Creative, Canon, HP, Apple, Sony and you-know-who are back in the fray to prise money from the pockets of thousands. Well, it ain't that bad anyway, at least we get to see and play with some of the latest tech toys in the market today.
Today is the last day of the exhibition, so if you do plan on getting a printer, mp3 player or laptop, you will have to do so before 9pm. Go on down to lay your hands on some of the coolest gadgets available; you don't have to pay for everything that you touch... provided that you don't break them... :p
Comex 2005...
Oh bummer, yes, I know what computer fairs are all about (clearance of old stocks and hammering consumers on the new ones); but hey, I just can't resist going back for more! This time round, I'm going down there with 2 of my friends. I won't be getting anything expensive, except for a bluetooth USB dongle which should only set me back by 20 to 30 bucks.
I just figured that my Sony-Ericsson K700i can work as a bluetooth remote control for my VAIO laptop... kinda cool, I found that out while toying with my friend's VAIO T27 lappy. (His mouse cursor started to move around on its own accord... thanks to me. hahaha) How cool it'll be to have a "remote" control for powerpoint slides on my laptop during presentations :)
Well, I'll be posting updates on the best deals at Comex 2005 either tonight or tomorrow morning. Seeya around folks! Comex, here I come!