A Time for Everything?
Is there a time for everything? With all these projects, readings and assignments piling up, all that I can ever think of now is time for studying! I have not been able to do stuff that I used to do during the last term nor the holidays that came to pass in the not so distant month ago.
I have been unable to call up friends, play any games, go for a good 2 hour workout; all I ever did was study. Well... Maybe I should really start to prioritise stuff and put aside those books for a while... I need to find some time to do things that I want, get in contact with my friends and most of all, enjoy my life!
I am sorry to all you peepz out there whom I have "lost" contact with for the previous 2 weeks or so. I am trying very hard to accustom myself to this new life of mine. Well, I am just not too used to the projects coming in so early in the sem. A lot of stuff are going to be due soon and I hope my brain or body is not one of them.
A new year certainly does its wonders to the happenings around us, people change, sometimes because of their environment or they simply change because something innate initiated it. Well, to all my friends out there; I may not have been in contact with you but rest assured that you are not forgotten, its just that this friend that you all have known is undergoing some changes initiated from the external environment; hopefully for the better.
Phones will ring anytime during the next 2 weeks if I manage to sort out all these discrepencies in my life. I will try and wait; everything's eventual right? ; )
A Wasted Trip?
A trip that cost me a whole 2.5 hours; all for 10 minutes of waiting, 3 minutes of negotiation and 20 minutes of searching.
20 minutes of searching:
Tried to find a department listed under the faculty of science... The department of computational science.
10 minutes of waiting:
Waited for 10 whole minutes before the person in question turned up at the office... time: 1420 Hrs, Lunch? No way... Tuang? High chance!
3 minutes of negotiations:
Talked to the person for a while; actually prepared myself before hand for an unfavourable reply... turned out otherwise.
Time wasted... almost 3 hours. Acheived: Got my tutorial time slot in a class thats already full.
The worst part is the person never replied to a mail that I sent out at 10.40am in the morning all the way till the time I met him/her in the department office. Well, if the person can so readily agree to my request for a tutorial time slot change, why can't the person do so online, without me having to personally come down to the office to "tell" him/her in person?
Well, all is not lost; at least Lyon waited for me and accompanied me home... had some fun with the keyboard before Mr Tan came over for a singing practise session.
That just about sums up my day, a wasted day? Maybe, maybe not... I enjoyed the company! The things that happened seemed so much like those that would happen in the army days? Talk about responsibility...
[Summary of 20/01/05, Thurs]
Old Pals...
I met up with some of the old pals I met last sem. Well, I kinda bumped into one and wahla, 4 more appeared from no where. A nice, warm, fuzzy kind of feeling came over me; since I was trying to recover from a 3 hour seminar. (Guess I am not quite used to seminars so early in the morning.) Anyway, its always nice to bump into a couple of old friends on a gloomy day, complete with overcast skies; you get the picture?
Gotta get back to my readings... I just bought a compulsory text today, ripped $40 off me... Ouch... 5 chapters to complete before next Monday... or even more... Double Ouch!
Circle of my Day
The day is gone. Recorded in the annals of times past it will be, as a day where amany were accomplished...
The day retires, for a brand new tomorrow; when tomorrow comes, it will be like a brand new today. What I do today, I might do tomorrow; what I do tomorrow, might not be what I did today.
Nevertheless, I will share my day with you, a day where the time is shared by all. Equal is the time, unequal is the thought. A similar day breeds different things; different things can come from a similar day.
The circle is complete, a day to rest I must concede, for is tomorrow, a day for sorrow? Great accomplishments needs great discipline, and great discipline comes from your within.
Everything is possible, only if you persevere and try.
What is art?
Art is, as I personally feel it should be, a form of expression. It shapes the world that we live in. Without it, I think this place will be pretty much duller and similar in all aspects. This expression plays with our perception; what is beauty? What is considered to be good, desirable? What is the determining factor?
Our perception is being constantly moulded by our surroundings. The comments made by our friends, the advertisements shown on television, the music we listen to, the type of shows we watch all contributes to the shaping of our perceptions.
In today's society, where the media controls and disseminates most of the information, we are being unknowingly shaped into what they want us to be. Advertisements creates needs out of our wants, usefulness out of uselessness... The power of the media is somewhat terrifying, overwhelming. A new era has descended upon us without our knowledge. The process has been slow but steadily increasing in its effectiveness over the years.
Art plays a very important role in this new age of informational imperialism. Art differentiates products which may be somewhat similar. The one with the best packaging (not only in terms of appearance, but of the perception it gives to the people) will prove to be the winner in today's market.
Art, something that we all may have overlooked all this time is actually omnipresent without us noticing. It has its arms all over us now, in this era, anything with the best packaging will stand a higher chance of winning. At least for now...
A New Semester Beckons...
1 more day till Semester 2 starts for us NUS people. I've gotten all my modules; thank god!; well, I settled for the more unpopular ones and I managed to find a gem in one of those discarded babies. The bad thing about this sem's modules would be that none of them are what I initially wanted, the good thing however, was that I got them all for 1 bid point each; I just spent 5 bid points this sem, 5 points lower than I did last semester! Guess there is something to rejoice about around this time's woes.
Bidding's over, school's gonna start, got to reset my holiday mood and calibrate my mentality to that of last semester's; only this time, I'm gonna work just that little bit harder. Hope school's fine for all you people out there! Enjoy what you are experiencing now... yes, the going's tough, but I think we should savour this moment that we have now; its only for 3 years more.
Gotta go prepare for tomorrow's lectures...seeya around!
~Happy Bday to My Bro!~
Hohoho, one year older and I hope you grow bolder, I know you don't even bother, but I have to order.
Heh, well, I just hope that with this passing birthday, you will start to grow just a little bigger in your thoughts. Having bigger thoughts will not bring any harm I reckon. All the best for your new realm of studies, flying colors? That'll depend on you! The most important thing here is to stay happy and healthy; all else are secondary, do whatever you think will make you happy in the present or the future; though I would recommend that you consider both.
The sun's out finally, though traces of the wet weather of the past week are still showing signs of returning. Eh, having a bit of rain does no harm at all, especially if the day gets too hot.
Looking forward to this saturday's dinner with Paul, lotsa things to say when we meet eh, its been some time buddy, its been some time...
Rainy Day, Yet Again...
For the sixth time this week, the first thing that greeted my eyes in the morning was the rain... Its been like this for 6 days running already, one has to wonder when this horrid weather will ever cease to be. Coincidently, this weather has been with us right after the 26th of December 2004, the day when Asia and India were swept up by Tsunamis...
A bad way to start a day for many of us, while others simply enjoy the coolness that the mornings have brought along. For those starting school and work alike on the 3rd, this weather, will nonetheless be dreaded as delays cannot be avoided in the daily travels to their various institutions of academia and workplace.
What a way to kick in the new year of 2005. Spring? Well, maybe later...
~ Raindrops keep falling on my head... ~
Happy New Year!
Here's a very happy new year to all you readers out there! During the course of the last year, I have went through a great transition; from military life to civilian and of course, back to my studying ways. Yes, it was hard at first, picking up all those books after nearly 2 and a half years' break... well, there is always a first time to everything. I am happy that most of my friends have been able to adapt rather quickly to their new environment.
I have relaxed and enjoyed myself thoroughly over the December holiday break; school's going to start in another 10 days' time... time to get back to serious work and to pull those CAP scores up; this time, the socks are going over my knees...definitely...heh. Oh well, so much so for the studying part; I really have to get on with the expansion of my parent's fruit stall... I will be taking a Technopreneur module this semester, hope that it will equip me with some basic and important business ideas before I start playing around with my parent's money... :P
On the global scene, the Tsunamis have wrecked a lot of places... Everyone's talking about it at the moment, so I guess I should not let up on this topic. Firstly, I am greatly saddened by these recent tragedies that took place around the region and glad at the same time that we are all safe and sound in Singapore. To those who have lost their close ones; I offer my deepest condolences. I guess the whole world's trying their best to help those affected recover from this gruesome event. A new year brings with it, renewed hope...
Sometimes, when we take a closer look and think deep enough, our lives are so, very fragile. You really will not know what is going to happen in the next moment... Still, matters of little or no importance are stirring up quite a fuss in our daily lives... matters such as what's mine and what's yours... they seem to be such small matters of little or no significance except for that little bit of pride... I guess we should all quieten down and look at life with a different perspective once in a while... It is not all about winning and getting what we aspire to acheive; like what my friend said, we should sometimes stop and look at all the beautiful things that life has to offer on our path to success or whatever goal one has.
I wish all a peaceful new year, all the best in whatever endeavours that one aspires and of course, a very happy year ahead!