Samsung S410i

Well, just got my Samsung S410i on Sunday; quite excited over the new phone and of course, the i-mode service. A bit on the phone, its size is that of its predecessor, or should I say, pre-pre-predecessor, the E700A. It weighs almost the same but once you open the clamshell, a world of colours seem to just jump into you. A luscious 262k colour screen rushes out to greet anyone who opens it, vivid, lively, what else can I say?
The only qualm that I have would be the inability to set my mp3s as the ringtone; as of yet. Maybe I'll find a way to do so; the manual says that the S410i is capable of doing so.
I can't give much of a lowdown on the i-mode service now as I have only ventured to a few sites. Overall, I noticed an inability to log onto the i-mode network at about 9pm last night; server overload? Well, the service is still in its trial stage, so I guess it should get better with the advent of each day. Will be surfing more on i-mode when I have the time and maybe then, I will be able to give a more subjective view on the overall service.
Till then, enjoy your i-mode phones! and for those without one, do grab hold of a friend who has... :)
Starhub I-Mode Service...
I've been selected for the Starhub I-Mode Pre-Launch programme before they officially launch this service in Singapore. I-Mode is an alternative to WAP; a mobile internet solution for handphones in Singapore. It has already been widely used by NTT-DoCoMo (Japan) since 1999. Now, Japan is using a far more advanced version of I-Mode called I-Mode Felica (Joint program by NTT-DoCoMo and Sony). I-Mode Felica handsets contain a RFID chip that functions very much like our EZ-Link card except that it can be used to board planes, pay for purchases, open doors and so much more! It is exciting to simply think what the future will hold for us!
Will be collecting my Samsung SCH S410i I-Mode phone together with the free subscription package (until 28/02/06) this Sunday. Do stay peeled for my review on Starhub's I-Mode service!
Smooth Sailing...
The week's been pretty smooth sailing; projects are getting done, deadlines are being met. What more can you ask for? Even the torrid weather is breaking up a little, the rain is finally here to wash away all our troubles and the heat. Everything's taking a turn for the better; why shouldn't we?
Did quite well for the recent test that I had for my Public Relations module; I am indeed happy with the advancements I have made this semester. Everything's going to end soon; the final lap is but a leap away. Once this is over, a new beginning will arrive, signalling another fresh start to a better tomorrow. Everyday yields its own unique experiences; attempt to reconcile past wrongs and face up to a newer environment. Its part and parcel of everyday life; don't you agree?
Back In Time...
My radio was humming away with one of my favourite Valen song "" together with the soft peltering of rain against my window as I woke up in a rather cold morning. A feeling came over me; perhaps its the rain, perhaps, its the song... I don't really know.
I sat dazed, on my bed for a while. Pictures of yesteryears just flowed into my mind involuntarily... I saw pictures of myself during my primary school days; such was the carefree times I once experienced. The feelings of innocence towards the runnings of the world are now gone together with the advent of age. I no longer feel the old, happy self anymore... Am I no longer happy? I don't know... happiness seemed to have taken on a whole new identity; I can no longer recognise the difference between the two...
Why does the past always seem the better when compared to the present? What is this funny thing we call nostalgia?
Valen's songs always seem to bring back those happy moments of time long past into the passage of history; my history...
"就象那首歌﹐ 經過半個世紀﹐ 唱起來還有最初感情﹐ 而你唱著新戀曲﹐ 是否在心底﹐ 浮起舊的旋律﹖
Hectic Week...
Its been another hectic week of project rushing and approaching deadlines. Not much time on my hands now to do stuff other than studying. Oh well, I do get the occasional breather here and there in between my studies.
I'm down with a headache from yesternight's soccer match (which lasted till 12am) and a real soccer match that I played with my brother's friends this morning at 7am. Nevertheless, I do not regret the match that I've played in this morning; its been a long time since I last exercised.
When was the last time you've really relaxed yourself from the buzz of everyday life? If you can't remember exactly when, its time you gave yourself one. Take things easy dude!