Life After Death...
You don't wait for death to come aknocking before you begin to realise that you've missed out on the most beautiful part of life; that of bringing happiness to the people around you.
Remembered that its a long long long while ago since you last saw your best friend? Call him/her out today for a cup of tea. It's been a long time since you last spent time for yourself? Go find your favourite hideout and do your favourite things. It's high time we did something for ourselves and our loved ones if we hadn't been moving that ol'gear in ages.
Nothing in the world warrants a death sentence as would death itself. Anything can be solved, if you try your best. Even if it doesn't get solved, you would know you did what you could and regret will not follow.
Simmer yourself in a pool of joy today with the people you love!
Of Arguments and Such...
Many a times, people get into arguments with one another because they feel that they have been wronged. When handled properly, arguments can be a chance for the involved to learn and understand one another better. However, if arguments lead to abuse, be it physical or verbal, the consequences could be as irreversible as breaking an expensive ming vase. Sometimes, we may not mean what we say in a heated argument, often times leading to extreme hurt for the other person. We could all avoid this situation by taking some time out when the involved parties are still heated up. During this time, we can think back on what we have done or why this anger and argument has been brought up. It is always better to discuss about disagreements with a cool head, as I have experienced many a times with my brother in the past (though he's a really pleasant guy now that he's grown up); when he's angry, anything that you say goes in one ear and out into the thrash can from the other. If you are lucky, you might even see a chair hurtling towards your face...
Nevertheless, everyone gets into disagreements and arguments. Big or small, with the right perception and way of handling them, even severe disagreements can become a chance for knowing the other person better. With each disagreement, another strand of hair gets ironed straight.
The next time you get into an argument, take a deep breath and cool down first before deciding to load your machine gun. At the end of the day, people disagree because they care for each other, else, they wouldn't be bothered to waste their breath on you.
A different outlook on the same situation offers many a route to how things turn out. You are in control of your life :D
Life's Really a Game?
Power struggles, doing the "right" things at the right time, "paying" for your mistakes, people ignoring you for no reason sometimes, people backstabbing you, people walking out on you... Life's kind of screwed up at times when these things happen. Even the dearest people around you might do things (knowingly or unknowingly) to inexplicably flip your life upside down. I guess no one can really understand what another is thinking, even if its your closest buddies. Sometimes people don't really mean what they say; you might lose the "game" if you take those comments at face value and act on them. Then again, it isn't a wise idea to ponder and think too much on a statement that someone made...
Sometimes I feel that I show too much care for the people around me; maybe I should just take my foot off the pedal a bit. Too much of anything is stifling I suppose :p
Puzzled and confused... though still having a happy outlook on life as a whole :D
Love yourself to love others~
Think Far...
Whatever you do now affects your future so make your choices wisely. Too often do we make the mistake of thinking and acting upon only the present. By doing so, we neglect what our decisions today will affect our future. Short sightedness they call it. People tend to move and think one step at a time, which might lead to dire ramifications later on; though not always.
It is not wrong to sometimes do things one step at a time, but it would be even better if we could learn to think a bit further before we apply our decisions today.
Though easier said than done, we just got to try, everything's worth a shot, isn't it?
A step, a jump, a leap into a better future.
A Happy Sunday...
Bright is the sun, although it never really shed its splendour inside. The exterior is all shine and cheer, though deeper secrets lie within. The night offers shrouded protection for an otherwise frail interior. The sun, eager to rip off the shroud, shines mercilessly on.
It describes not me. Long have I bade it goodbye, never to revisit its halls again. Happiness and joy has visited and stayed with me ever since. Happiness and sadness are like what I have said before, 2 sides of a same coin. You choose the colours of your feelings for the day; why not make the better choice today?
Happy sunday to all and may joy and happiness follow you wherever you go.
Time Waits For No One...
Time passes and waits for no man. The ravages of time becomes clear as we continue to slog and work for our supposed "better future". It is true that we have to think and plan into the future when we are still young. For time has a knack of leaving you and your plans behind when you least expect it. With each passing second, we come a step closer to our eventual demise, but also at the same time, we build and forge stronger bonds between our friends and loved ones. I am spending every second I can to enrich my life as well as provide joy for my loved ones.
What about you? Have you spread your happiness to the people around you today?
Time carries on its relentless march into the future, but we have a choice to stop, discover and enjoy each step we take in our life.
Gains and Losses...
The inevitable has happened, my uncle has passed away this morning. Life is indeed unpredictable; you really will not know what will happen to you in the next moment. Sometimes we hesitate in saying or doing things for our loved ones; thinking back on it, our deliberations may sound or seem rather stupid. At most we will just get a scornful look or get rejected. Nothing is more painful than not being able to express your feelings and showing that you care to those that are dear to you.
In today's society, everyone yearns for a better life and will slog and work at all costs just to get there. After getting what we want, our greed will not be appeased; instead, we will be yearning for more riches beyond what we already have. I feel that we can never amass all the wealth in the world, but we can, however, amass and spread feelings of joy and happiness to our loved ones, telling them how special they are in our lives.
Start showing that you love for the people who are dear to you. Wait not for regret to come aknocking. Rather than saying "I should have", you should be saying "I'm glad that I did."
You lose nothing when you give your care and love; you have all to lose if you choose to keep them to yourself.
Frailities of Life...
Amidst all that clutter of work and play, have you ever thought to yourself or asked yourself what the most important thing to you is? Everyday, we take each minute of our existance for granted, focusing on things that may not matter at all. We get angry over our friends or peers when they do something wrong or bad to us. We get extremely sad when we lose a bet or did badly for examinations.
My uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer recently and it has been an awakening call to me to not take life for granted. Every new day is like a blessing bestowed upon us; you wouldn't know what will happen to you in the next moment. Illnesses can strike at any time and so can accidents and mishaps. It is not to say that we should be extra cautious in everything we do but it will be good to take everyday as a perfect day. Nothing is more important than being healthy and being alive; we can all do a little less of fretting, getting angry at people and being sad over things. Sure, these emotions are sometimes uncontrollable but we can learn to minimise them.
For starters, I'm going to work out an exercise routine chart. What steps are you going to take to make your life that little bit better?
Take life not for granted, everyday is a beautiful day.
Tranquil Solace...
The night evokes many feelings within me as the moon hangs high in the sky and people tucked into their beds. It is a period of tranquility when the hectic pace of the society comes to a halt as the tired climb into their nests for a peaceful night's rest.
Rest does not disrupt progress, instead, it refreshes your heart and soul for another wonderful day. A very good night to you; time for bed :)
Solace and tranquility; one of the many qualities of the "darkness" after sunset.
Someone Special...
There are those that just come and go without a trace, there are those that walk in and stay for a long time and there are those that leaves footprints in your heart which will last for a lifetime. My days has been showered with an abundance of happiness which I hope, will extend into the future for many many decades to come. Special people deserve that little extra special attention and care ;)
Often times people seek to receive more than they want to give; which portrays images of selfishness and such. Sometimes, if we start giving a little more to the people around us, we might just discover that hey, there is warmth left in this world after all. It isn't just about siphoning advantages off people all the time. So if you think you have been "cold" towards everyone all these time, its high time you took out your happiness sprinklers and start sprinkling that extra bit of joy to your loved ones.
*Sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle
Have you met anyone lately who leaves imprints in you so deep that it will take a lifetime to forget? I did :)
Far Far Away Land...
Shrek 3 was really short, standing at roughly 1 hour 20 minutes. Short it may be, but it still tickles my funny bones from start till finish with their crazy antics and witty pokes at each other. Eddie Murphy's donkey is still as annoying as ever... hahaha; I wonder what Shrek will be like without the crazy donkey...
I'm going for my 2nd game fest meeting later today and yes, I am still waiting for APB and Lucasfilm to arrange an interview with me; wonder what is taking them so long... It rained really hard yesterday afternoon, so hard that I couldn't even see what's 5 metres away from me. Guess the skies had to let go after keeping back its waters for so many days. The rain does wonders in cooling down the scorched surroundings and provide tranquil solace for our worn out souls out there. The pace of life has not helped the least bit and it is with moments like these that we can put down everything that we are doing and just stare into the rain, relaxing as the water droplets splatter against the windows and streets below.
Sometimes we are just too absorbed with the things at hand that we tend to miss the finer details of life.
Skies and Clouds...
Its the end of another Sunday as the days continue to tear away from the calendar. It has been a relaxing day, with nothing much to rush or complete, lest a proposal which I have dismissed with an hour or so of my time. The day has been spent wondering and looking at the passing crowd below my home as they make their way to the central transport backbone of Singapore; the MRT. Everyone's dressed up, looking their Sunday best and smiling from ear to ear as they make their way to meet or spend a wonderful day with their loved ones.
Me? I decided to avoid the Sunday crowd, especially at the city area where the final day for the PC Fair is. Traffic's going to be real congested, both vehicles and human. Glad I stayed at home; I've seen the weekend crowds one too many times before at computer fairs. It is a scene best to avoid, unless you are really in the mood for some pushing and squeezing.
The skies has been real good today, not a moment for the rain to step in. Warm, sunny and bright. It does make for a wonderful day, doesn't it?
How's your Sunday? I hope it's as good as anyone's :D
Stars and Moon...
All so bright, high up above, shining our way, showing our path. The stars and the moon light our path, making sense out of the dark surroundings after the sun has long set. When you turn your head to the skies above, without fail, they will be there, gazing down onto the earth below. Even the dark black sea comes alive with a stream of moonlight on its calm waters, with streaks of silver lights dancing with each passing wave. As with life, there will always be light no matter how grim or dark times may seem, for soon, all the darkness will give way to light.
Perservere and you will eventually see the light at the end of the tunnel.